Friday 9 March 2018

Exhaust Deck the quick and Easy Guide

---Exhaust Deck---

Core cards: The perfect deck if you have exactly these 7 - 9 cards Only. Even better with 1 (energy surplus if no Relics) and 1 Barricade card if you manage to pick these up easily.

Semi Core: Not necessarily required but might need them if your deck is too full of Non core cards that you haven't been able to get rid of. (Strikes/Defends/Non Exhaust deck archetype cards/Fringe Cards/Curses/ETC)

Fringe Core: Cards that you might need to survive while you collect the Core pieces (armor) or utility cards (Exhume and Energy if you get no relics that give energy and need it). Also the Dream is among these cards (Juggernaut).


(wound engine)
2 or 4 of these as long as you have enough wounds: /power through/ wild strike/

(Draw engine)
1 of either from these: /evolve/ dark embrace/

(armor engine)
1 x /Feel no pain/

(Mass Wound exhaust cards)
2 or 3 of these: /Second wind/Sever Soul/Fiend fire/

(Level 2 and 3 Damage threshold requirement)
1 or 2 /body slam/

*must upgrade evolve and body slam no matter what.


(Draw to find engine)
1 or 2 from these: /pummel strike/burning pact/battle trance/brutality/offering/

(block retain)
1 x /Barricade/

(only AOE and only heal)
1 x /immolate or Reaper/

*must upgrade pummel strike and barricade no matter what


(General armor)
Best avoided but maybe need to pickup to survive: /metallicize/shrug/ghostly armor/true grit/impervious/

(energy surplus if no Relics)
Best avoided but maybe needed if you have expensive cards (ex Barricade/Juggernaut/General armors/impervious): /Bloodletting/seeing red/Sentinel/offering/

*Juggernaut ---> needs full core!!! AND spare energy! AND its not strong! But Hilarious Fireworks combo with (Mass Wound exhaust cards)! (The Fools Dream Or is the one who does not dream a fool?)

*Exhume ---> semi useful to correct Exhaust mistakes

And that is the quick and easy of it. A wise man knows that he knows nothing at all. For that reason tell me what you know is wrong because I think that this is the perfect guide and well, if you've got a drop of friendly competition, that has got to piss you off that I think that lol.


Juggernaut was only doing about 45 damage spread out between enemies a turn on level 3 max but body slam was doing 300 damage.  That said, math isn't all that involved in admiring the beauty of a fireworks display with your lovers. Unless she is counting the money on your bank account lol.

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